
Past election results

We publish the results of recent general elections, local elections, by-elections and referendums.

2015 UK parliamentary general election

Bermondsey and Old Southwark

Election date: 7 May 2015

Election details:

  • electorate: 83,298
  • ballot papers issued: 51,641
  • turnout: 62%

Rejected ballot papers

Rejected ballot paper details:

  • want of an official mark: 3
  • voting for more candidates than voter was entitled to: 75
  • writing or mark by which voter could be identified: 5
  • being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty: 123
  • total: 206
  • number of ballot papers rejected in part for uncertainty: 0

Council election results for Bermondsey and Old Southwark

Name of candidate Party Vote
 ABRAMS, Kingsley  Left Unity – Trade Unionists and Socialists  142
 BEADLE, Andrew  UK Independence Party (UKIP)  3,254
 COLE, Donald  All People’s Party  59
COYLE, Neil  Labour Party 22,146 (elected)
 FLORU, JP  The Conservative Party  6,051
 FREEMAN, Steve  Republican Socialist  20
 HALL, Lucy Eve  Independent  72
 HUGHES, Simon Henry Ward  Liberal Democrats  17,657
 LAVIN, William Barry  The Green Party   2,023

Camberwell and Peckham

Election date: 7 May 2015

Election details:

  • electorate: 82,746
  • ballot papers issued: 51,762
  • turnout: 62.6%

Rejected ballot papers

Rejected ballot paper details:

  • want of an official mark: 0
  • voting for more candidates than voter was entitled to: 81
  • writing or mark by which voter could be identified: 4
  • being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty: 133
  • total: 218
  • number of ballot papers rejected in part for uncertainty: 0

Council election results for Camberwell and Peckham

Name of candidate Party  Vote
 ANSCOMB, Felicity The Whig Party  86
 FOX, Rebecca Sutherland National Health Action Party  468
 GOYAL, Prem All People’s Party  829
HARMAN, Harriet Labour Party 32,614 (elected)
 KINGI, Yahaya Dumba Liberal Democrats  2,580
 KURTEN, David Michael UK Independence Party (UKIP)  2,413
 NEWSTEAD, Naomi The Conservative Party  6,790
 OGUNLEYE, Joshua Workers Revolutionary Party  107
 ROBERTSON, Alex Cannabis is Safer than Alcohol  197
 WOMACK, Amelia The Green Party  5,187
 WRACK, Nick  Left Unity – Trade Unionists and Socialists  292


Dulwich and West Norwood

Election date: 7 May 2015

Election details:

  • electorate: 76,575
  • ballot papers issued: 51,362
  • turnout: 67%

Council election results for Dulwich and West Norwood

Election Candidate Party Votes

HAYES, Helen Elizabeth 

Labour (elected) 27772

KOTECHA, Resham 

Conservative 11650


Liberal Democrat 5055

NIX, Rashid

Green 4844


UK Independence Party 1606

NALLY, Steve

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 248

LAMBERT, Robin Andrew David

Independent 125


All People's Party 62