Back Street care Report potholeReport dumped rubbishReport litterReport street light problem Street cleaning Find out when we clean the streets. Report a waste or litter problem. Check what litter we can clear. Fly-tipping Find out how to report dumped waste, what we cannot remove. How to pay a penalty. Fly-posting Report illegal advertising material like posters and find out who to ask when we cannot help. Report a dead animal What to do if you find a dead animal on council, private or business property. Autumn leaf collection Find out about how we deal with autumn leaf clearance. Broken 'street furniture' Report damaged 'street furniture', like lighting, a bollard or road sign, and we’ll get it fixed. Blocked roads and pavements Report a blockage on a public road. Report an illegal trader. Dog poo Letting your dog foul in a public place without clearing it up is illegal. Tell us if you find dog mess in Southwark. Dangerous waste Report drug-related waste, broken glass or chemicals so we can clear it. Do not touch it. Graffiti Painting graffiti on property is a criminal offence. Report it. Find out how we deal with it. Weed control and disposal Tell us when weeds get out of control. Find out what to do if you find Japanese knotweed. Potholes and road problems Report potholes and other road defects which can cause injury and damage to vehicles. Gritting roads and pavements in icy weather Stay safe in freezing weather. How we grit the roads and what you can do. Abandoned cars, vans, motorbikes or bikes Report a vehicle, including bicycles, or cycle parts, that have been dumped on the street.
Street cleaning Find out when we clean the streets. Report a waste or litter problem. Check what litter we can clear.
Fly-posting Report illegal advertising material like posters and find out who to ask when we cannot help.
Broken 'street furniture' Report damaged 'street furniture', like lighting, a bollard or road sign, and we’ll get it fixed.
Dog poo Letting your dog foul in a public place without clearing it up is illegal. Tell us if you find dog mess in Southwark.
Dangerous waste Report drug-related waste, broken glass or chemicals so we can clear it. Do not touch it.
Graffiti Painting graffiti on property is a criminal offence. Report it. Find out how we deal with it.
Weed control and disposal Tell us when weeds get out of control. Find out what to do if you find Japanese knotweed.
Potholes and road problems Report potholes and other road defects which can cause injury and damage to vehicles.
Gritting roads and pavements in icy weather Stay safe in freezing weather. How we grit the roads and what you can do.
Abandoned cars, vans, motorbikes or bikes Report a vehicle, including bicycles, or cycle parts, that have been dumped on the street.